Friday, February 1, 2008


I have the best friends in the world! Where to begin?

Mandy (The Jock)- She says I am her sanity, but in reality she is mine. She is one of the most sarcastic people I've ever met, but it works for her. Mandy is one of those people who you can just sit with in silence without wierdness. She is very quiet and you have to listen very carefully when she speaks, but what she says is meaningful.

(sorry about the pic. surprisingly it's the only one I had!)
Hannah (The Tomato & My Obsession)- If Mandy is my sanity then Hannah is my insanity (in a good way). Without her my life would very boring. She is an amazing girl who, from what I have seen and heard, can easily recognize God's blessings. There is no one word to discribe Hannah. She is amazing, awesome, beautiful, funny, talented, and one of my best friends.

(Also in the pic above)
Lori (The Perfectionist)- Lori, Lori, Lori. One word to discribe Lori LOUD! Hee, hee, hee! She is a little O.C.D. and we don't always agree, but I still love her. She could be an interrogater because she asks all the right questions to get you talking. It deffinatly would not be the same group without her.


drama momma said...

So thankful for all of you girls. You definitely have your own strengths that God has given you which makes you a great group of friends. Even though you all may drive each other crazy you would be there for each other in a moment's notice. Everyone wishes for those kind of friends.

Sorry about the sacrasm from Mandy. She definitely gets that from her dad. :) I've tried to change both of them, but it's a losing battle. I'm still working on it though...:)


Mandy said...

To Caroline (the hippie)---I'm so glad you updated your blog!!!!! I'm glad I'm the sanity. :) and I'm thankful you like my sarcasm. I suppose I'll just have to make our silences awkward now...he he

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! a blog with me in it!!! haha. jk. but seriously...

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! without you my life would be boring too. MY LOVER!!! YOU'ER FREAKING BOMB!!!!

Mandy said...

Hannah-you're in more blogs than anyone I know!!!

Lori said...

I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for saying I can ask the right questions to keep a conversation going. :). I am so proud to have you as one of my best friends.
Yes, we have been blessed with each other and I would never ever change who we are.
Wow. we are a hot looken group!!! (For you Mandy)

Mandy said...

Lori--that doesn't bother me. You making this a big deal...

Anonymous said...

haha. really??? that's funny cuz i'm like the only one who doesn't have a blog...hehe.